Демоверсия теста TELLCAP® для диспетчеров
SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION – 3 minutes Good morning (afternoon)! My name is (Examiner’s name). Can you tell me your name? And your code? Can I also see your passport, please? Thank you. This test aims to assess your English language proficiency in line with ICAO requirements. The test is in three sections and will take approximately 30 minutes. First, I’d like to get to know about you.
SECTION 2: RTF ROLE-PLAY – 10-12 minutes Now, you will listen to two audio recordings, describing specific in-flight situations. Each recording will be played once. You may take notes while you listen. After listening, we will role-play pilot-controller exchanges based on the situation from the recording. Note that some transmissions during the role-play may be unreadable. Be prepared to ask for clarification if needed. Do you have any questions before we start? RECORDING ONE Now, listen to recording one.
What was the main problem encountered by the Boeing 737? RTF ROLE-PLAY ONE Now, imagine you are the controller on duty. You have just received a report that there is a fuel leak from the left wing of the Boeing 737. Please relay this information to the Boeing pilot and reply appropriately. The callsign of the aircraft is Sky Air 321. Is the task clear? Please start. RECORDING TWO Now, listen to recording two.
What was the main problem that caused the crew to declare a PAN PAN? RTF ROLE-PLAY TWO Now, imagine you are the controller on duty. You want more information about the problem on board and the pilot’s intentions. Please ask the pilot of the affected aircraft to clarify the problem and reply appropriately. The callsign of the aircraft is Sky Air 321. Is the task clear? Please start. |
DEBRIEFING Now, imagine I am a safety inspector, and you are the controller on duty. I would like to ask you some questions about the incident.
SECTION 3. RTF COMPREHENSION – 15-17 minutes Now, you will hear two radiotelephony exchanges in non-routine situations. Each recording will be played only once. You may take notes while you listen. After each recording, you will be asked to give a description of what happened. Do you have any questions before we start? EXCHANGE ONE Now listen to exchange 1. The call sign of the aircraft is Uzbek 612. The aircraft is now at cruising FL 310 on its way to destination Tashkent.
Now, please describe what happened in as much detail as possible. EXCHANGE TWO Now, listen to exchange two. The call sign of the aircraft is Pegasus 519. The aircraft is now descending towards its destination Sochi.
Now, please describe what happened in as much detail as possible. |
INTERVIEW Now, I am going to ask you some more general questions.
Thank you. That is the end of the test. |